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FAQPublished By: SASA Web Team


How to send an inquiry

As with most business emails, strive to be clear, polite, and concise in your job inquiry email. Your future employer should be able to understand the purpose of the email in the subject line and in the first sentence. Make it clear who you are and which position you're applying for

How to disable cookies

To disable or enable Cookies on Chrome, click the Tools button > Settings.Under History, from the drop-down menu, select Use custom settings for history.Under Cookies you will see the options to manage your Cookie settings and choose which kind of Cookies you wish to allow or disallow on your Windows computer.

How to check the website is secure

Look at the URL of the website. If it begins with “https” instead of “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL Certificate (the s stands for secure). SSL Certificates secure all of your data as it is passed from your browser to the website's server.

Why do we use complex password

The Importance of Strong, Secure Passwords.A strong password provides essential protection from financial fraud and identity theft. One of the most common ways that hackers break into computers is by guessing passwords.

If my data is secure

Keeping your data safe and private is of utmost concern to us. We've utilized a range of security and encryption techniques to ensure that your data is secure.Passwords stored locally and in the Cloud are always encrypted, and your data at rest is encrypted while stored in Egnyte's servers. can I use information on this website for my private work

What happened to Google+?

In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019. Other Google products (such as Gmail, Google Photos, Google Drive and YouTube) were not shut down as part of the consumer Google+ shutdown and you can continue using these products. The Google Account that you use to sign in to these services will remain. Please note that photos and videos already backed up in Google Photos will not be deleted.


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K.Ravindra Pathmapriya
Mr. K.Ravindra Pathmapriya26th July 2009 07:18am
First i thanks to committee members to done a very good job. Thats helps to communicate each other members and get ideas. I always try to give ideas to improve our service. Thanks again for all. Pathmapriya 2000
R.P.R. Rajapakse
Mr. R.P.R. Rajapakse27th July 2009 11:21am
These three issues are very important today. SASA should take steps in every aspects for solving them.
W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando
Mr. W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando23rd January 2019 06:37pm
We need your ideas about sasa new web page
B.K.Prabath Chandrakeerthi
Mr. B.K.Prabath Chandrakeerthi24th January 2019 11:08pm
We have to change, reform our service according to the current economic scenario,sustainable development goals and social need.So ithink it is good time to start discussion about this.
W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando
Mr. W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando15th February 2019 10:08pm
If there is no immediate positive response to our requests such as special allowance and other grievances what are your opinions about our protest which will be scheduled to be held on 27th February at Colombo.
P.P.S.Rohana de Silva
Mr. P.P.S.Rohana de Silva10th May 2019 08:42am
SASA is going to publish newsletter to aware our membership with regard to SASA activities as well as to create a platform to discuss current issues. We mostly welcome your Ideas to improve our goals.
H.P.D. Hewage
Mr. H.P.D. Hewage16th January 2020 09:15am
උපුටා ගැනීමකි “එහෙත් සත්‍ය තත්ත්වය වනුයේ ඉහත අභියෝග ජයගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් අප සංගමය පසුගිය මාස දෙකක පමණ කාලසීමාවක් තුළ අවශ්‍ය ලිපි ගණුදෙනු සහ සාකච්ඡා සිදුකරමින් (පවත්නා සම්බන්ධතා උපරිම ලෙස භාවිත කරමින්) පවතින බව ය...එම සාකච්ඡා සහ ලිපි ගණුදෙනු සම්බන්ධව මෙම පිටුවේ නිරන්තර පළ නොකිරීම මත පදනම්ව සංගමය කිසිවක් නොකරන බවට තර් කයක් ගොඩ නැගීම සාධාරණ ද යන්න අප සාමාජිකත්වයෙන් විමසා සිටිමු....විධායක සභාව විසින් ගන්නා තීරණ (ඇතැම්විට රහස්‍ය) එම කණ්ඩායම්වලට දැනුම් දීමේ යාන්ත්‍රණයක් නොමැත.“ මෙම වෙබ් අඩවිය දැනුවත් කිරීමේ යාන්ත්‍රණය වශයෙන් යොදා ගත නොහැකිද. සියලු දෙනාගේ කාරුණික අවධානයට
M.R.P. Perera
Mr. M.R.P. Perera16th May 2020 10:54am
SASA must get action against this letter
P.P.S.Rohana de Silva
Mr. P.P.S.Rohana de Silva18th November 2021 11:00am
Please go through the attached circular and give your comments asap.
A. Saarrankan
Dr. A. Saarrankan05th July 2022 11:44am
It is observed that popular Service stations such as Department of Immigration and Emigration, Department of Motor Traffic are appointed SLAS officers by the Ministry subject to Public Administration whereas vacancies in other popular service stations such as Department of Sri Lanka Customs, Department of Excise, Department of Inland Revenue are appointed by the Ministry of Finance as an internal transfer mechanism. therefore several SLAS officers who are not in the Ministry of Finance, are not able to get working experience in these places. Further, it creates bottle neck problem that when officers who experienced in the stations, be reappointed to ministry of finance. Thus, SLAS officers from outside of Ministry of Finance are not able to get transfer both in the Ministry of Finance as well as these popular service stations. some times, It is practicing that the officer who appointed to these popular service stations are asked to get transfer out of Ministry of Finance, then it is disadvantage to the ministry of finance loosing experienced officers in the operation of the popular service stations. Hence, it is proposed to handle the transfer schemes of these three popular service stations by the Ministry of Public Administration similar to transfer schemes of the DMT and The Department of Immigration and emigration.

General Committee Meeting 2024Published By: SASA Web Team


SASA 40th AGM - 2023 : DocumentsPublished By: SASA Web Team


40th - Annual General Meeting 2023Published By: SASA Web Team




SASA AGM 2022 - DocumentsPublished By: SASA Web Team


39th - Annual General MeetingPublished By: SASA Web Team


සමාජ මාධ්‍ය ජාලා වෙත අදහස් ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම සහ දේශපාලන සහ සිවිල් සංවිධාන සමඟ පැවති සාකච්ඡාPublished By: SASA Web Team


Congratulations to Mr. Anura Dissanayaka, the new Secretary to the Prime MinisterPublished By: SASA Web Team


Congratulations to Mr. Saman Ekanayake, the new Secretary to the PresidentPublished By: SASA Web Team


මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනය - 2022.07.14Published By: SASA Web Team


ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජගේ කථානායකතුමා වෙත යවන ලද ලිපිය.Published By: SASA Web Team


මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනය - 2022.07.08Published By: SASA Web Team


මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනය - 2022.07.08Published By: SASA Web Team


පවතින තත්ත්වය හමුවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පරිපාලන සේවා සංගමය විසින් මෙතෙක් ගෙන ඇති වෘත්තීය ක්‍රියාමාර්ගPublished By: SASA Web Team


මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනය - 2022.04.19Published By: SASA Web Team


ආර්ථික හා සමාජයීය පුනර්ජීවනය සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ලබන කඩිනම් යෝජනාවලිය Published By: SASA Web Team


Strategic Public Policy ForumPublished By: SASA Web Team


Abhiman 2022Published By: SASA Web Team


SASA Newsletter 2022 - JanuaryPublished By: SASA Web Team


SASA Rathnapura Branch AssociationPublished By: SASA Web Team


SASA Kaluthara Branch Association Published By: SASA Web Team


රාජ්‍ය සේවයේ විශ්‍රාම ගැන්වීමේ වයස සම්බන්ධ යෝජනාවලිය Published By: SASA Web Team


SASA Branch Association: Ministry of HealthPublished By: SASA Web Team


Snaps of the Year: Photograph Contest Published By: SASA Web Team


ශ්‍රී ලංකා පරිපාලන සේවා සංගමයේ නව විධායක කමිටුව ජනාධිපති ලේකම්තුමා හමු වේ. Published By: SASA Web Team


A Walk Through the Budget: Online Panel Discussion Published By: SASA Web Team


SASA: Past, Present & Future Published By: SASA Web Team


තාක්ෂණය හා මුසු වන අපේ ගොවිතැන: කාබනික පොහොර හා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය Published By: SASA Web Team


රාජ්‍ය සේවයේ විශ්‍රාම වයස අවුරුදු 65 දක්වා දීර්ඝ කිරීම සම්බන්ධව අදහස් හා යෝජනා ලබා ගැනීම Published By: SASA Web Team


38th Annual General Meeting Published By: SASA Web Team


Application for SASA Membership LetterPublished By: SASA Web Team


IMSL MembershipPublished By: SASA Web Team

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